Seng Huat Bak Kut Teh is well known as one of the restaurant which offers the best among the best Bak Kut Teh in Klang. It is located quite near to the Klang KTM. So if you can find Klang’s KTM station, it is located around the shop lots there. The restaurant is also said to have 31 years of history in BKT business and it is real long.

There are many variety of “cuts” of pork that you can choose from: fatty, lean, half-fat / half-lean, ribs, leg, spare parts (meaning intestines, stomach etc). I asked for a half-fat / half-lean portion today together with Yau Char Kuey (flour fritters) and Rice.

The bak kut teh is served in bowl just as there were traditionally and we ordered a few to share where includes pork ribs, meat, and the inside of the little piggy. The soup wasn’t as tasty as it use to be when I first visited past 2 years ago.

We also ordered a vegetable (Yau Mak) to be tasted with the BKT.
The quality from my last visit comparable is where the food is not good but the quality drop significantly. I hope the shop will do something to maintain their quality.
Taste: 3/5
Price: RM 54.00 in total
GPS Coordinate : N3 02.612 E101 26.895
Address : No.9, Jalan Besar, Klang, Selangor.
Contact No : 03-3371 2652
Business Hour : 7.30am – 2.00pm, 5.00pm – 8.00pm.
Off Day : 1st & 15th on Chinese Lunar Calendar
Posted By : StrawberrY Gal Homepage : malaysianfoodie