This is the first time I went to Kepong and Joseph recommended this stall which have the famous choices of food for us to taste. The location is not in the big big shop but is just at the corner of the road which is in the small stalls… and is not cooling there… no aircond.. just a hot fan .. haha
This is the stall which sells the famous char loh shu fan as well as char yee mee. .. em.. the service is fast where they can served you within few minutes even though there are many people ordering .
There goes the small stall… and u can find all the oishi oishi food ..
Wat we ordered is the pure home cooked kekwa which taste very nice and I love them a lot. Futher more the is not very extremely sweet lo .. so I love them so so so much… yummmmmy…
– Char Yee Mee-
Joseph ordered the Char Yee Mee which he says is oishi and very famous.. and when they served .. is really looks sizzling hot and u can see tat the hot plate which served in front of ur face can opens up ur tiny pores of ur faces.. hahha..and burns ur lips as well,.. they served with some seafood like prawns and sotong ..
– char loh shu fan-
Next comes mine which is the claypot loh shu fan.. which I think is so so nia.. cause it burns my lips.. and a bit salty.. they served with bits of pork as well as the not really fresh prawns which make me don feel like finishing the whole claypot…
eeeeeeeee….. overall is ok
taste: 3/5
Price: RM5 per bowl