As the season unfolds, it’s time to embark on a culinary journey with Surume-Ika, affectionately known as Japanese Flying Squid on June at Kazuma Japanse Restaurant. This esteemed delicacy, renowned for its succulent taste, tender texture and low in calorie.
Surume-Ika embodies the essence of Japanese cuisine, offering a versatile canvas for culinary exploration. Whether delicately grilled to perfection, fried to crispy golden-brown, or savourily stir-fried, its adaptability knows no bounds. Whether for lunch or dinner, our surume-ika menu selections promise a gastronomic adventure with every bite.
Discover The Delight Of Surume-Ika At Kazuma
Ebi No Ika Shogayaki (Pan-fried Squid & Tiger Prawn with Light Ginger Sauce) – RM80
Ika No Kimchi Karaage (Deep-fried Kimchi Marinated Squid) – RM95
Ika Maru Yaki (Grilled Squid topped with Tongarashi & Nori Flakes) – RM96
This month, come and experience the exquisite taste of Surume-Ika. Let its enchanting flavours transport you to the shores of gastronomic bliss, where every dish is a masterpiece and every bite a revelation.
Located on the 1st Floor, Wisma Concorde (above Hard Rock Café). For reservations, please call 03 2144 2200 (ext 2666).