Recently a lot of us cough and having flu. And we had heard a lot of the Pear with the goji berry recipes where it helps to reduce phlegm as well.

1. Pear (Korea Pear, China Pear)
2. 10 pcs Bitter apricot kernel
3. 2 – 3 small pcs Rock Sugar
4.60 ml water
5. 2-3 Chinese Dates
6. 1 teaspoon of Goji Berry
1. Cut off the top part of the pears (about 1/5 to 1/4 of the total height) or u can cut them into pieces
2. Use a teaspoon to remove the cores
3. Fill the holes with rock sugar and half of the Goji berries, apricot cannel, and dates.
4. Add in 60 ml of water
5. Put into the Panansonic Steam Oven (High Steaming ) for 20 minutes
6. Your soothing desserts can be served
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