Teppanyaki is well located in Mid Valley where you can enjoy lovely teppanyaki freshly prepared on the table for you. It has been a long time since I am dining for Teppanyaki and now we entered the Teppanyaki restaurant which is located at the lower ground of the mall itself. The Teppanyaki shop is simply packed but we still manage to get a seat out of it that day. Lucky us.
We had two sets of Teppanyaki which is the Chicken Teppanyaki and the Squid Teppanyaki. Here we go with the chef on action teppan-ing the vegetables which includes the beansprouts, chopped cabbage with garlic and sliced carrots. Then, we are served with the rice as well as the chopped minced chicken with it. Delectably tasty, it goes well together and juicy chicken meat which is being served together with it.
Price: RM 9.90
The squids is still the same with the chicken teppanyaki. The similar ingridients but it is basically using squids. The ingridients here are fresh which makes me falling in love with the tangy texture . It is just lovely and superb with the tangy texture that comes with it. The deliciously made teppanyaki is just good.
Price: RM 10.90
Lg071 Lingkaran Syed Putra
59200 Kuala Lumpur,
Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur,
+60 3-2938 3633