This can say the worst service shop I ever been.. though the food there is not bad. If you are looking for good service and food.. then u can just forget it. The food is nice.. but the service is really yucks.. and is really very bad. Wong Kok Restaurant, before i go, seriously i don’t have a good impression to Wong Kok and the last few time (don’t know how long ago) is real sucks, their service, food & interior are out out out.
WC ordered the mango ice blended which taken us sitting down for nearly half and hour before it served.. gosh that is terrible.. not complaining on the services, the food is nice just the services
The Mango ice blended is not bad.. cause is mango blend with ice as well as some milk.. so is really refreshing and nice.
=Mango ice blended =
Rate: 4/5
Carol mum or si lai nai cha.. which this is not recommended.. weird taste.. is nai cha + vanilla ice cream.. which I can say is not really nice.. not recommended at all.
=Si Lai Nai Cha =
rate: 0/5
Me ordered the hot chocolate which is very delighting and when is served with a cold there.. is really nice and enjoyable. Oishi desu
=Hot chocolate =
Rate: 3/5
Overall is ok
Service: 0/5
Price: RM 20 for all