Kim shan is famous for delicious cheap seafood and I usually have my dinner there due to the food is nice and quite reasonable. Having my dinner with my frens usually, we ordered very nice and yummy food which includes fried squids, marmic prawns, fried kangkong wif sambal and lastly ikan panggang which took us RM 40 for 4 person with 2 extra rice.
My camera phone was out of battery which is a disappointment cause I am unable to take de nice pictures of food.. that I had .. that’s de last only pictures before my battery went ko though the food picture quality was not really nice this time.
The marmic prawns is the only one I am able to recommend this time. This marmic prawn is nicely cook wif the soury sauce and with bawang. It is being cooked with bawang and the sour sauce and the prawn was cut out and being fried before cooking with the sauce. The taste is extremely nice … which all my frens really love the taste. Oishi one word from all my frens..
Taste: 5/5
Price: RM 9