Its time for my yummy Johny Egg Tart again if you are in Pavillion… and is a must for me.. but this time is a bit expnsive.. due to petrol hike .. the egg tart also becoming more expensive.. but this wont resist me from buying it.. haha.. and I bought 10 if it … and nearly kinda finish all of them.. that’s make me grow fatter now.. haiz.. wats so special bout Johny egg tart.. as I am a fans of egg tart.. and is durian egg tart … how can I resist it..
Most important the egg tart smells durian smells.. and de smell is real good,,, that my car is full of the durian smell when I pack back.. can u imagine tat?.. they are make from fresh durian that make it so nice.. and the crunch when u take them up from the cup it is easily breaks .. so becareful while u are eatin it ooo.. hehe… love the egg tart so so much. Oh ya.. wats de price : RM 2 each for the durian one
Price: RM2
Taste: 5/5