There are many frens recomend me steamboat.. EaT all You Can.. em.. i was thinking onli 1 famous one in Nagore Road but they tell me another one in Mc Callister Road.. opposite the UMNO Building.. is Town Steamboat Restorant. The Restorant open fr 5.30 om till 11.45 pm.. jus got makan at evening onli..
I reach dere about 6.30 and is also pack.. The shop front place have this big banner there..
– The FronT LooK-
The food choice are varies.. real banyak choice of yummy food.. to choose.. not jus something to put on soup.. have also em.. seafood, bbq stuff, dim sum, sate, .. salads.. and more.. let’s see wat nice food picture.. is nice.
– Some Of The YummY choIces Fr SteamBoaT-
Some Of yummy food i choose.. actualli I take a lot .. but busy panggang and eating forget taking picture so.. not much to see lo.. em.. the tomyum.. is nice and very spicy.. and de tan tart is real good.. as well as de.. dim sum.. but a lot of meat.. so i don take much of dim sum.. all i take is de sea food.. but le de prawn not very nice lo.. cause is bela punya prawn ma.. hehe..
– ParT of The Food I Take-
em.. this one is when de start we start the steamboat i take de pic dono why.. start makan din take much.. cause everyone busy makan.. but this is real hot.. haiz
-SteamBoat VieW-
– Yummy Egg Tart-
Full Full Full… all yummy food u see… di.. How much..oh is cheap RM19.90.. and now got special promo.. Thats de banner.. on the promo.. not forget to take pic.. cause i don remember much on numerical sometimes..
If you plan go dere call fr booking first, really always full
TEL: 04-2297273 (call after 5pm)