There are many things in life one should try before they die, and Häagen-Dazs Fondue is certainly one of them!I never resist for any time.. even I complaining i am now getting fat… see my blog u know.. eating and eating
Available in most Häagen-Dazs Cafés, Häagen-Dazs Fondue consists of small scoops of ice-cream, fruits (apple, banana, strawberry – may differ in other countries), strawberry swiss rolls, chocolate chip cookies (I believe they’re Famous Amos) and cheese cakes! Of course, all these come with melted chocolate and sprinkles of peanuts for dipping.
The fondue can be served for two person or more. Of course, the more people, the less you get to eat. The price is MYR 59.90 or MYR 69.20 after adding a 10% service tax and 5% government tax.