Lemon Chicken version 2.0 by Chef Sidney Kan

✅3 whole chicken leg (chopped chunk, cleaned and seasoned with salt and white pepper)
✅1 inch ginger (sliced)
✅1 bunch spring onion (cut length 1 inch)
✅8 fresh dried hawthorn slice
✅3 packets Hawthorne flake
✅1 lemon (sliced)
✅1 tablespoon oyster sauce
✅1 tablespoon fish sauce
✅1 teaspoon sesame oil
✅3 whole garlic (sliced)
✅1 tablespoon palm sugar
✅1 tomato (sliced)
✅2 red bird eye chili (optional)
✅1/2 teaspoon white pepper
✅1 tablespoon Chinese cooking wine (optional)
✅1 tablespoon corn flour
✅1 tablespoon oil
1. Mix chicken with corn flour.
2. Select sauteed mode, set it for 10mins.
3. Add in oil, garlic, ginger and sesame oil, fry till fragrant.
4. Add in chicken, spring onion, tomato, hawthorn slice and flake. Then follow with fish sauce, oyster sauce, palm sugar and bird eye chili. Mix the content well.
5. Close the lid and set pressure to steam mode 6KPT.
6. Once pressure routine completedopen the lid. Use the sauce thickening mode to reduce the liquid content to the desire level.
7. The chicken dish is now ready to serve.