Spice Market Café at Shangri-La’s Rasa Sayang Resort & Spa, Penang will hold a Malaysian Indonesian food promotion from 29 June to 31 July 2014. During the food promotion, diners will be able to savour the best of Indonesian cuisine from 6:30 to 10:30 p.m. from Sundays to Thursdays.
“Indonesian cuisine is very flavourful and popular as it combines a clever blend of spices to bring out the best in every dish. The romance of spices can be rediscovered this July as our chefs whip up authentic Malaysian and Indonesian recipes under the guidance of a skilled Malaysian and Indonesian chefs. Diners can savour salads, spicy soups, sambals and rendangs under one roof without having to fly to Indonesia or having to travel to other states in Malaysia. Dishes include Kambing Berempah, Sup Kambing Berperisa Lemak, Ikan Bakar, Ekor Lembu Masak Berempah, Siput Masak Lemak Bumbu Segar, Gado Gado, Jalim, Sambal Goreng Tempe, Opor Ayam, Ayam Penyet, Rendang Daging Sapi, Sup Kambing Berperisa Lemak, Nasi Hujan Panas, Nasi Tomato and Sambal Terasi. In total, we have 3 sets of menu cycles,” said Suleiman Tunku Abdul Rahman, director of communications.
This food promotion is a small component of the ongoing “6 in 1” Food Promotion, which allows diners to pay only 60 per cent of the actual buffet price on Mondays and Tuesdays, only 70 per cent of the actual buffet price on Wednesdays and only 80 per cent of the actual buffet price on Thursdays. Buffet price is RM128++ per adults and RM64++ per child. Please call (04) 888 8788 for reservations.