Another oishi food in Teluk Intan ( Teluk Anson) besides the chee cheung fan is the mee rebus campur around Taman Ros. This shop had opened several branches according to my beloved boyfriend who is a teluk Intanist. According to him,this shop had been open fro kinda he had them frequently during his school days and as for me, i had the opportunity to taste this now.. YEAH!!
The Mee Campur here is extremely nice as it is the campur of the mee rebus as well as the mee rojak. So, once this two had been mix , it will become Mee Campur. The ingridients is the same as the usual Indian Mee Goreng or Mee Rebus where you can find tau kua and some other fried sotong and eggs. So, I ordered a plate of it to taste for sure,
The taste is extremely yummy until i cant reveal anything but just continue with it quicky, The kuah the uncle provide is also kinda a lot and is simply delicious. I love is so much which make me addicted to it until every time i follow dear back – this is a MUST… already..
Taste: 5/5
Price: RM 3