Went to a nearby coffeeshop at Lip Sin Garden.. where this place is having a wide range of yummy food which includes many local delicious from Bak Kut teh, economy rice and many many more. It is Super Tanker where u can find ample parking space as well as seats for you ..
One of my favorite food is the yummy food is the yummy yummy food which is the Lok Lok. Lok Lok is like a steamboat which have in the hous e.. where u can choose the ranges of food u like to have hfrom fish ball, seafood and many many more.
As for me, i love seafood and fishball where i always order them.. and add some sauce on it. U can choose many type of sauce like “ Dim Cheong” ( Sweet Sauce), Thai chilly Sauce, Sate Sauce and more.. This stall is located at the end of the food court and is has a lot to choose. The price will be ranging from RM0.40 to RM 1.20 depending to the color of the stick .. so is real nice.. oh ya.. before i forget u can choose to eat in group or to stand and eat.