Was in Melaka for a few weeks past to enjoy the Summer Live Concert… so we ended up doing some shopping as well. As we know Melaka is famous for some delicious like Dodol, and I also bought some back for myself, family and friends. So we went to the mall to get some of de delicious as I had totally no idea where to grab the local food except for the mall as I know de mall should have them. So, went to the new mall in Melaka.. But I forgotten wats the name.. Is along de Dataran Pahlawan… and wat I am able to get there is are many choices of dodol.. Where they have many flavors from Pandan flavors, normal, strawberry and more. Wat attract me is the coconut as the color and the content seems different. So, I bought quite many as well… as they are selling 3 for RM 10.. And inside a packet got about 7- So, is kinda special as well. Nice nice.
Price: RM 10 for 3 packet
Taste: 3/5