I was pretty hungry after a long walk in KK and ended up myself in this restorant that is de’ Hong Kong Recepies.. but I am consider pretty unlucky this time as there are no electric city at the place dere.. omg.. so wat we wan to eat like toast and all are not available to order.. and at the end.. I just ended wif a question.
” WAT U have right now fr ordering??” So, the guy headed up me the menu..haiz.. and show me the dishes they have fr now
Em.. so at the end choose a fried Hong Kong Mee, a cup of Nai Cha and Ice Lemon Tea that cost me RM 12.90
Dish 1: Nai Cha : The taste is nice.. great but not cold enough
– Nai Cha-
Dish 2: Ice Lemon Tea- Is too sour …until my sis cant take dem..
– Ice Lemon Tea-
Dish 3: The Fried Mee- The fried mee.. is not really nice too cold and the taste is like putting lots of ajinamoto .. yucks..
– Fried Mee-
Overall the taste is not really nice.. maybe because due to the electricity problems in Warisan Square
Food : 2/5
Price : RM 12.90
Environment : 3/5
Service: 4/5
Place: G Floor Warisan Square, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah