Em. it has been a long long time i din eat lok lok” and i turn up went to some hawker centre arong peng hua dere to grab a few “lok Lok” yummy.. ok .. let me see wat i can think of to say bout this yummy lok lok.. haha..
is like steamboat first of all..but its more for personal makan. so after u grab the food you wan from the counter u need to deep dem into the soup.. so it will be cook and u can it them.. wif either with chily sos or another sweet sauce. There are many choices of them you can choose.. fishballs, cuttlefish, egg, crabstick, sausage …and more.. so grab and deep..
so have them try. This is available in many hawker stalls in Penang… so don worry you cant find them.. You will see them along Gurney Drive, Pulau Tikus Market and more..