Six top culinary schools came together in a thrilling showdown for the Lambassadors Challenge, a unique competition aimed at showcasing the versatility of Australian lamb in modern cooking inspired by the Ramadan and Hari Raya spirit of celebrations.

The event took place recently at the University of Wollongong, Glenmarie, Shah Alam.
Each team was tasked with creating a unique dish of red meat that reflects contemporary culinary trends while honouring traditional Ramadan and Hari Raya flavours.
They could only select and use up to 12 ingredients to prepare Australian lamb as the focal dish in the sharing platter dish, accompanied by sides like Australian beef, vegetables, rice, noodles, etc.

The champion of the Lambassador Challenge was Kolej Komuniti Chenderoh, Perak. In the team were culinary students Muhammad Fikri Bin Kamaruzaman and Muhammad Nazhan Bin Noor Hisham. They were mentored by Lambassador Chef Khairul Ashikhin.

The champion team received a cash prize of RM1,000 and a certificate. Their winning entry was Aussie Lamb Stroganoff Asian style (Australian Chilled Lamb Racks) and Duo Beef Buttermilk and Aussie Dendeng (Australian Chilled Beef Striploin).
The first runner-up was the team from University of Wollongong Malaysia (UOWM), with culinary students Leong Tze Jian and Caleb Chin Kai Zheng. They were mentored by Lambassador Chef Eric Siew.
The team received the cash prize of RM800 and a certificate. Kambing Salai Masak Lemak Cili Api (Australian Lamb Flap) and Kerutuk Kebabas (Australian Chilled Beef Striploin) were their entry.
The second runner-up was RichTalents International College, with culinary students Nur Annatasya Saffiya Binti Azizul and Nurul Nusratina Binti Zulkifli. They were mentored by Lambassador Chef Mohd Ridzwan Rasit. The team was awarded RM500 cash and a certificate.
They did well with their Grilled Aussie Lamb served with Strawberry Sambal Kicap accompanied by Curry Mashed Potato and Sauteed Vegetables (Chilled Australian Lamb Leg Bone-in); and Classic Malay Botok-Botok Aussie Beef with Puff Pastry using Chilled Australian (Chilled Australian Beef Rump Cap).
The theme of the competition was a blend of traditional and modern cooking techniques, with the focus on quality and sustainability. Following these guidelines, the teams were expected to develop new, easy and practical recipes with Australian lamb and beef cuts in a family platter serving for busy working parents with children, with lamb as the main dish.
The Lambassador Challenge invited teams from prestigious culinary institutions to prepare, cook, and market innovative dishes that celebrate the rich flavours of Australian lamb and beef. Participants had the opportunity to be mentored by Lambassador chefs in the preparation and cooking of the Australian lamb and beef.
Participants not only demonstrated their culinary skills but also learnt valuable cooking techniques, mis en place, planning and strategy to achieve a winning formula while working with the Lambassador Chefs
Judges, including esteemed Lambassador chefs, key opinion leaders and food industry leaders, evaluated the teams based on creativity, presentation, taste, practicality and the effectiveness of their marketing strategy.
“We are thrilled to host the Lambassador Challenge in collaboration with University of Wollongong, which not only highlights the exceptional quality of Australian lamb and beef but also fosters creativity and innovation among the next generation of chefs,” said Valeska, Regional Manager, South-east Asia, Meat and Livestock Australia. “This event is a celebration of culinary innovation and cultural appreciation, perfectly timed for Ramadan and Hari Raya.”
In addition to this culinary competition, participants had the opportunity to learn meat butchery, cooking and tasting of various Australian lamb and beef cuts in a masterclass three weeks before the competition from an Australian Master Butcher under the Aussie Meat Academy Program.
It is trending these days that chefs learn to market their dishes apart from showing their culinary skills in social media. Therefore, one component that the teams were judged was on how they showcased their dishes on social media. During this culinary competition, their social media efforts were recorded. They will be later posted in social media before and during Ramadan and Hari Raya to generate awareness of the availability of the Australian lamb and beef products.
Interesting and practical recipes by the culinary schools’ teams will assist in driving the sales of Aussie lamb and beef during the festive period. The teams with the most comments and likes from the public will stand a chance to win cash prizes and certificates.
The Lambassador Challenge aims to raise awareness about the quality and versatility of Australian lamb and beef, promoting these ingredients as essential components of festive feasts during Ramadan and Hari Raya. The recipes developed will contribute to a vibrant celebration of food, culture and community.