New Lane Hong Kong Tang Yuen is one of the nicest Tang Yuen. It is located just opposite the New Lane Cafe around New Lane. The stall here is providing a different style of Tang Yuen comparing the local one/
Traditional Tang Yuen: A Hong Kong Style Traditional Tang Yuen which the soup comes with the peach soup based. The Tang Yuen is nice and smooth. Other than that, you may add other tyes of Tang Yuen which can be the Groundnut Tang Yuen or Black Sesame.
Taste: 4/5
Price: RM 4.00
Ginger Tang Yuen- The tang yuen serves with Ginger soup instead of the normal soup.
Taste: 4/5
Price: RM 3.50
Opposite New Lane Cafe,
New Lane (Jalan Baru),
Posted By : StrawberrY Gal Homepage : malaysianfoodie