Is Kim Gary time again and for this time, as we have the monthly coupon, we headed for a quick meal in Kim Gary. It can be said that, we had less to eat now a days in Kim Gary. Hoping Kim Gary can add more food choice for me to choose. This time, me and dear went for the normal food there which is the ala-carte.
Nissin Noodles with Fried Egg and Ham is my choice for today. It is actually a more high class sort of maggi mee with ham and Fried Egg on top of the soup. The taste is nice and delicious. Nice and delighting
Next, dear ordered the Soy Sauce Chicken Wings Rice. A normal rice with the Soy Sauce Chicken Wings on top. The taste is not bad and quite nice. Overall today meal is kinda nice.
As me and dear have the coupon for the monthly choice, a Lemon Punch is the FOC deal. The taste is nice where we can see is Lemon Tea with some fruits inside like lemon, oranges and more.
Soy Sauce Chicken WIngs Rice: 3/5
Lemon Punch : 3/5
Soy Sauce Chicken WIngs Rice: RM 9.50
Lemon Punch : FOC
Address: Kim Gary Restaurant,
The Curve, Petaling Jaya,