Was thinking to have porridge and we ended up having them at the food court at Wai Sek Kai , SS2. This place i can say you are able to taste many local delicious food. The food here can say some are nice and some are not. This time, me and dear had our dinner here..
For me, I had a chicken porridge which does not taste extremely nice. The taste is so so only and teh one i ordered comes with chicken breast meet. Perhaps it is cooked too long, which make it not nice and it is hard…e eeee.. i don even able to complete a bowl even though the one i ordered is just a small one.
As for dear, he ordered the sweet and sour chicken rice where the chicken was sliced in small portion. The stall is just next to the chicken porridge stall which i ordered.. according to dear, the taste is simply nice as the meat is not very hard and the sauce is kinda sour which he love the most .
So now is our rating time again
chicken porridge- 1/5
Sweet and sour chicken rice: 3/5
chicken porridge- RM 2.50
Sweet and sour chicken rice: RM 4.00