This restaurant established almost 20 years which is situated in Ipoh. For those who lives nearby this area, I’m sure they will know it.
This restaurant very famous of the food. Most of us afford to dine here as the food here is not really expensive. This time, my journey to Ipoh is being accompanied by dear and we went there with Emily and his mum.
The restaurant looks kinda old and not really delighting but the food here is extremely nice and oishi. We ordered several of the local delights which inclusive of sotong, yee mee, wat tan hor as well chicken leg with soya sauce.
The yee mee is nice and it is well cooked and very delighting. The yee mee is not like other yee mee which is very dry. This yee mee is well cooked with the ingredient and sauce which make it extremely nice and oishi desu.
Wat Tan Hoe is not much special, but the taste is kinda delighting… not too starchy .. and they also served them with kinda many prawns in it which make it sweet.
Lastly is the chicken leg. The chicken leg is nice and worth to try and it is well cooked and the taste of the kicap can be tasted as well.OISHi.. and it is said this is a famous dish at the shop.
Chicken Leg
Taste: Overall 5/5