So, one of my favourite restaurant/cafe is Old Town. My first time eating out at Old Town was at Queensbay Mall. I never knew that Old Town is having a coffee place.. for all.. only know OLD towN coffee in packets is nice..
Walking pass to Popular Qbay.. u get the smell of the incredible nice.. smell and refreshing cofffee… I try them at last … I got myself a Ice White Coffee. I can say that it’s a little bit more bitter but is still nice.. 🙂
One more of Old Town’s in-house famous Kaya Toast. I wonder how they make their bread and how they toast it. It’s ain’t any Gardiniel, High5 or Bangkali bread you buy at the Indian’s store by the roadside.Let’s see what’s in it, butter, kaya and what. I don’t know. I just eat only. Hehe. 1 thing, they should offer Wifi service then I can blog there and enjoy my food. =)